A Passion For Resiliency

By Guest Blogger: Lea Richardson Cobb

It’s absolutely miraculous how our Lord works to turn all that was meant to harm us into something beautiful. My passion for helping others holistically restore their health spawned from the same desire I had in restoring my very own.

By the grace of God, grace with myself and all the positive influences that have come into my life, I have gone from addict to health addict… ONE DAY at a time. That’s what’s KEY! Just focusing on making one positive choice after the other… one day at a time… and you will get to your victory.

Over the years, I’ve had to learn to love myself enough to fight for myself and become resilient in my daily pursuit of internal healing and health issues. “Little Ms Impatient” always wanted a quick fix.. like we all do. However, I realized in the end, I was going to have to do some hard work to truly feel free and feel like my best self and that requires sacrifice. but you- your quality of life and your health matters.

Today, I have been blessed with an amazing career at Resilient Spine and Sports Health where I am able to serve others in pursuit of their own health and healing. I’ve always been interested in a natural and more holistic way of healing if at all possible. My favorite way I love to make others feel better is by encouraging better nutrition-as that is what has changed my whole entire world! Food is medicine.

Lea Cobb works at Resilient Spine and Sports Health in Memphis, Tennessee. At RSS Health, highly trained physicians, exercise specialists and the patient work together for positive change that leaves clients with a renewed sense of purpose and energy. They believe it is this teamwork and a spirit of refusing to be held back to be “resilient” to withstand and recover quickly from difficult conditions- is what matters most. For an appointment call 901-821-0945.

You can follow Lea on Instagram @dr.dolealea and Resilient Spine and Sports Health on Instagram @rsshealth

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